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Kinder Prep

The early childhood years are a wonderful introduction to the excitement and exploration of the world God created!

Academic overview: 

When visiting the early academy, one can hear voices of children building, playing and exploring the room as they engage with friends and teachers in their newly constructed creations. The classroom buzzes with songs, nursery rhymes, and chants of excited children memorizing new information. These young explorers begin their school journey with projects and activities focused on strengthening fine motor skills all while learning letters, rhymes, and handwriting as they develop into readers. Over the course of their preschool years, these new letters, numbers, and rhymes begin to open up a whole new world of reading as they enter into Grammar School. Children begin to learn truths about God and the Bible that will build a foundation for their faith. 

What programs do you offer? 

  • We offer all-day Kinder Prep (Pre-K) for three year olds and four year olds.  
  • A full-time, all-day Kindergarten program. 


What will my child learn in Pre-K? 

Children at the early academy learn best through play! There are many opportunities for play within the classroom as well as outside the classroom. Songs, chants, and memorization come naturally to children of this age, so students recite catechisms, nursery rhymes, and pieces from timeless classic literature.  Kinder Prep student learning will focus on the development of social & emotional skills,  fine motor skills, identification of numbers and letters, biblical truths, and themed studies.  Students will have the opportunity to partake in P.E., music, art, and motor lab. 

What requirements do you have for children starting in preschool? 

Part of our mission statement is to educate children of strong mind, body, and spirit, so to meet this need, our children are required to have a set rest time during the day. While teachers may assist when needed, children in our program MUST be potty-trained.

What will my child learn in kindergarten? 

Our students in Kindergarten still have opportunities for play and exploration in a more structured way. Children use math manipulatives to build on their knowledge of numbers to begin basic addition and subtraction. Kindergarten students receive direct phonics instruction to help prepare them to become more independent readers and writers by the end of the year. To solidfy their learning of math and language, students participate in a variety of centers while having the opportunity to work with their peers and teachers in a one-on-one setting as well as a small group environment. 

The Kindergarten year transitions students towards the more structured learning environment of the Grammar School years while still meeting their developmental needs for play!